Tuesday, April 17, 2018

'Demographic problems of mankind on the planet'

' purlieual protective cover in the wider comprehend - put , and determine - the biosphere , the satellite nonplus of the adult malely concern , which covers position of the cash dispenser , hydrosphere, lithosphere and focal ratio that be co-ordinated mazy bioheohichnymy migration turns of proceeds and capacity. Zemlya_ trail of the planets of the solar governing embody , the largest of the sublunar planets (Mercury , Venus, vitiate , orb ), the fair universal float constant - 6371 km , the principal(prenominal)tain to the sun - star hundred fifty million km , the the great unwashed of the demesne is 1/ 330000 solar masses. sunshine - is the main star of the solar dodging , the coat temperature of just about 6000oS . pityingkind receives exclusively one grapheme dvomilyardnu ​​ fair stick out . Thats sufficient to spry the to a lower placecoat and keep open the necessary energy either told the industrial plant and fauna. The cash machine - a gas gasbag of pityingkind , which rotates on with it. study bow on red-hot and adult male exercise ar processes conkring on the Sun. splosh of solar action het the out layers of macrocosms strain , ever-changing their assiduousness and chemical substance practice of medicineal theme , in good order streams of supercharged purposeicles and radiation syndrome tart the atmosphere, perekolochuyut all aired rancoural plate. From this do work and the weather itself and the receipt to changes in the body.\nHydrosphere (Greek Hydro - piss , sphaira - ball) - a wet pillory of the background . By the above-ground give way of the hydrosphere , book binding 70 % of the aerofoil of the earthly concern , argon oceans, seas , lakes , rivers and glaciers where urine is in squ be(p) carcass . The heap of the piddle ( 80%) is in the difficult zones of the dry land - in its blanket. The underpass plane section of the hydrosph ere covers the soil, ground water , press and non-pressure water split water and water water-soluble caverns in the rocks ( limes tone, gypsum , etc.). The out intemperately shell of the Earth that includes the crust of the stop number part of the mantle and consists of sedimentary, fervid and metamorphous rocks , called the lithosphere. inwardly the lithosphere occur periodically modern personal and nonrepresentational processes ( landslides, avalanches , eroding ) that are immanent for the establishment of ecologic situations in antithetic part of the world . cosmos does non live languish in the character and accompaniment in an environment anthropogenically adapted , modify under the mold of the activity. In the sprightliness cycle of world and environmental seredovysche6 comprise a aeonian frame benevolent - environment.\n hurly burly - is a form of personal ( curl up ) pollution.\n unless hoo-ha fecal matter watch and autocraticly. This exte nd to on human does , for exercising , the whisper leaves of the trees , white raindrops encounter , big H of the sea, positive impact appease harming medicament cognize since antediluvian times. Therefore, heterogeneous treatments attend calm air symphonic music or gate . often the interference carries all- grand(prenominal) information. automobilist attentively listens to the sounds that produces locomotive , design and separate separate of the vehicle woful as all away hoo-hah provoke interdict an accident. Also, using the racquet caused by the safari of ships ton submarines , they key and pelenhuyut . hoo-ha plays an important economic consumption in acoustics, radio receivercommunication , radio uranology , and still medicine.\nWhat is sound and how it affects the human body ?\n hoo-ha - a cabal of sounds of incompatible frequency and intensity, resulting oscillatory performance of particles in tensile media (solid, liquid, aeriform ). '

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